In India, 44 per cent students of college graduates are under employed because of choosing wrong career path. To provide students with the suitable information required to make essential career decisions and look at the broader spectrum, Sarvani Nandipati and Shamili Nandipati came up with a start-up idea – Funducate.
Intend: The founders wish to develop healthy and competitive attitude in higher secondary students making them enlightened enough to make wise career choices. This will also benefit the school management to know weaknesses & strengths of individuals.
Idea: Fundukate founders are alumni of NIT and IIM. There initiative is to take high school students’ knowledge beyond books. For this, they conduct innovative events in the form of workshops, lectures, and competitions. They are striving to provide education combined with entertainment and come across as a platform that develops inherent talents and soft skills of the student. Funducate helps in developing an understanding of applying conceptual knowledge to solve real-world problems. Apart from this, they also prepare students to crack competitive exams and provide exposure to a wide variety of career opportunities. Some of the events that are conducted by Fundukate are logIQ, Fine Arts Marathon, Elotent, Duo-DetectIvE, Creative Minds, Memory master, Stress test, GenQuiz