Innotech Villages
In Nandurbar district of Maharashtra, 69 per cent of the total population consists of indigenous people and out of them 83 per cent are depended on agriculture as the primary source of their income. Though, the shocking part is 65 per cent of them are extremely marginalized farmers. For Ashwini Kumar and Satyanand Gavit this came as a shock and became a matter that immediately needed an intervention. To address the low income problem of the community, this duo established a start-up –Innotech Villages.
Intend: Innotech Villages is working to empower the indigenous tribal farmers in Navapur Taluka, Nandurbar district of Maharashtra. The founders started to channel their efforts in improving the income of tribal people by providing them with stable and alternate source of earnings.
Idea: Innotech Villages supports sustainable rural enterprises in creating a stable alternate source of income for marginalized tribal farmers. For this, they provide agri-business support services, technical know-how, and marketing linkages based on equitable model. Through this intervention, Innotech Villages is expecting 25-30 per cent rise in the income of these farmers and estimating to reach 500 tribal farmer families encouraging them to start mushroom and vegetable cultivation in next three years.